Dear compatriots!
I decided to dissolve the Verkhovna Rada of the 7th convocation.
The elections of the new parliament will be held on October 26, 2014.
This decision was adopted in strict accordance with article 90 of the Constitution of Ukraine.
Given the expectations of the majority of Ukrainians and pursuant to my words that I gave while running for the President.
I recall that the coalition split on July 24.
The new one has not been created within a month allocated for it by the Basic Law.
In such case, the Constitution authorizes the President to dissolve the Parliament.
Thus, I have used this right.
For it is the only right and responsible decision.
Opinion polls show that 80 percent of citizens support the need for early elections.
Finally, it was one of the main demands of the Revolution of Dignity.
Powerful social request for the reload of state power is more than apparent.
Elections are the best form of lustration.
We must begin purification from the highest legislative body.
Current composition of Parliament has been the mainstay of Yanukovych for 1.5 years.
The majority of these MPs voted for dictatorial laws that took the lives of Nebesna Sotnya.
They should bear responsibility for that – criminal and political.
Many MPs listed in the Parliament are direct sponsors and accomplices or at least sympathizers of militants-separatists.
Even to declare mobilization and recognize DPR and LPR terrorist organizations we have barely scratched up 232 votes.
And where are the rest?
It is not a secret: the fifth column consists of dozens of alleged MPs.
But they clearly do not represent the people who elected them.
How can we put up with that?
Is it possible to win the war like that?
In general, the composition of the Verkhovna Rada doesn’t meet political positions of the Ukrainian community. Society has changed so fast that MPs do not keep up with its historical development.
Only two years have passed since previous elections.
It seems that decades have passed, for the country has become so different.
Voting of 2012, when this Council was elected, was neither fair nor democratic nor transparent.
It simply didn’t meet the European standards.
So, the potential of current Parliament turned out critically low. This is another argument for re-election.
For our enemies are not only saboteurs, terrorists and mercenaries who came from beyond the Ukrainian-Russian border.
Corruption, unemployment and poverty cause not less damage than "Grad" or "Buk”.
And we have to win on all these fronts at once.
I consider the victory in the Donbas and the victory of democratic reformatory forces in the Parliament as interrelated processes.
Thus, early parliamentary elections are the part of my peace plan.
Its key element is political dialogue with the Donbas.
With whom shall we talk?
Illegal armed formations can be treated only by force, until they lay down their arms.
And the majority of those who had been elected in the previous parliamentary elections lost their authority and influence on people.
Many of them do not come to their constituencies.
They do not visit hospitals, do not care about migrants.
Do not help restore cities destroyed by terrorists.
People do not see them and do not want to see some of them!
Therefore, those who will be chosen by the Donbas in two months will receive the mandate of trust and the right to represent the region in its contacts with the central government.
Extraordinary elections do not mean that the current Verkhovna Rada is relieved of the responsibility for the fate of the country.
MPs will work until a new Parliament is elected.
The main thing that has to be done by them is ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union in September.
As President, I guarantee that the elections will be fair, democratic and transparent.
In the electoral history of the country they will be as exemplary as this year's presidential elections.
The election ballot - is the most powerful weapon in the hands of citizens to defend the country.
No chance for the fifth column and forces of revenge!
I urge voters to the high turnout. I urge democratic political forces to run in the elections as the only strong pro-Ukrainian and pro-European team.
Only under these political conditions we can change the country for the better.
I urge everyone to come to the polls and complete the formation of the new government initiated in June.
Glory to Ukraine!
Assessoria de Imprensa do Presidente da Ucrânia