President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is content that the Parliament has supported his candidatures for the posts of Prosecutor General, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Head of the National Bank.
Deputies supported the proposals of the President in respect of all candidates. Candidature of Vitaliy Yarema received 329 votes, Pavlo Klimkin received 335 votes and Valeriya Gontareva received 349 votes.
In the course of the introduction of candidates, the President emphasized his devotion to the principle of parliamentary-presidential republic.
"The country does not need any power usurpation today. Current version of the Basic Law of the country empowers me as President with sufficient authority, including staffing authority, necessary for the implementation of expectations of the Ukrainian people," the Head of State noted.
The President informed that in the nearest time, he is planning to initiate meetings with factions for "close cooperation and coordination of actions between the President and the Verkhovna Rada to become an example we urgently lacked in recent years".
The Head of State expressed gratitude to Stepan Kubiv for his efficient work as Head of the National Bank and to Oleh Makhnytskyi for his work as Acting Prosecutor General.
Particularly, the President expressed gratitude to Andrii Deshchytsia for his work as Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and noted that he had offered him to lead one of the foreign diplomatic missions of Ukraine. "This offer was accepted," the Head of State informed.