Today, the Association Agreement with the EU has been signed in Brussels. On behalf of Ukraine, the document has been signed by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. On behalf of the EU - by heads of all EU member-states.
Signing the Agreement, Petro Poroshenko emphasized that he acts on behalf of the whole Ukraine, including Crimea.
In his speech before the signature, the President noted: "It is a symbol of fate and unbreakable will. It is a tribute to people who gave their lives and health to make this moment happen. And it is the strongest reminder that today's Europe is and must be about people's determination to live in a better and fairer world".
President stressed that the Association Agreement is an instrument of future accession of Ukraine to the European Union. "By signing the agreement with the EU, Ukraine, as a European state, sharing common values of democracy and the rule of law, is underlining its sovereign choice in favor of future membership in the EU," the President noted.
"By signing this Agreement, Ukraine takes enormous commitment in terms of reforms. But it is also a document of joint responsibility," the Head of State said.
The Ukrainian President expressed hope that "in the spirit of the political association, the EU will make everything to support our sovereign choice and protect Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity".
Assessoria de Imprensa do Presidente da Ucrânia