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Pronunciamento do Presidente da Ucrânia Petro Poroshenko ao povo ucraniano por ocasião do Dia da Constituição da Ucrânia (em inglês)
28 junho 2014 12:50

Dear compatriots!

Today, we celebrate the 18th anniversary since the day of adopting the Constitution of Ukraine – the main document which outlines the basic human rights and freedoms, defines the most important public relations, territorial structure of the state, democratic principles of its development.

Currently, Ukraine is probably coming through the most difficult challenge in the days of its independence – a challenge for unity and territorial integrity.

Realizing the great importance of the Constitution and its influence on public development, I suggested the Verkhovna Rada to make amendments to the Basic Law.

After their adoption, we will profoundly change the principles of local government organization that hasn’t been reformed since the beginning of 90s.

Powers and functions of state administrations, that will be eliminated, will be conveyed to the executive committees of district and regional councils. We will conduct budget decentralization. Significant part of taxes will remain in the local government.

For the first time, due to the amendments to the Constitution, not the President or Parliament will receive more rights, but the power holder – the people of Ukraine and local government: village, town, city, district and regional councils.

Decentralization laid down in the Constitution, provides for the broadening of powers of local communities, particularly in the issues of historic memory, cultural traditions and language policy. But the only official language of Ukraine was, is and will be Ukrainian language.

The renewed Constitution of Ukraine will strengthen the grounds of public unity and lay the foundation for the formation of modern political nation.

However, a common vision of all political and social forces of common purpose and a responsible attitude to the solution of urgent challenges of state building will be the key to further progress and prosperity of Ukraine.

As Head of State, I call on all citizens to unite efforts for conciliation in the society, successful development of the country, happy future of current and next generations.

I congratulate everyone on the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine. I wish everyone peace, welfare and harmony.

Glory to Ukraine!


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