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"ODIHR/OSCE continua ser um parceiro importante da Ucrânia na implementação das reformas internas" - Chanceler Pavlo Klimkin (em inglês)
29 outubro 2014 15:12

On 28 October Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin met with Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Michael Link. The two sides discussed the results of the activities of the international election observation mission at the early parliamentary elections in Ukraine, held on 26 October.

Pavlo Klimkin underlined the objective and impartial character of the preliminary assessment and findings made by the international observers and expressed the readiness of the Ukrainian side to consider the ODIHR recommendations on further improvement of the electoral system in Ukraine, which will be prepared by the Office.

On his part, M.Link expressed the readiness of the ODIHR to provide all necessary assistance to the Ukrainian side in implementation of internal reforms, in particular in the sphere of the democratization and state governance. Minister Klimkin confirmed that the ODIHR remains an important partner of Ukraine in implementation of internal reforms. 


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